
Unsolicited statements from professors who have used case studies published by Millennium HRM Press:

University of Virginia

“The short and simply-written narrative cases permit students with no previous exposure to public administration, and/or little to political science more broadly, to grasp certain essential features of the process.”

Wichita State University

“Still an Excellent casebook.”

Purdue University

“As good as the 1st edition. Better balance of cases, especially with the addition of a couple more on budgeting and financial management.

California State University–Fullerton

“There are lots of really cute cases here. I can see my students loving it.”

University of Indiana

“This is just the thing I was looking for to supplement the traditional readings in my undergraduate seminar in urban administration. I am particularly interested in the chapter end bibliography that will lead the curious on to more inquiry.”

University of Colorado

“Very comprehensive, modern and useful in the teaching of Public Management.”

Roosevelt University

“Good cases and quite relevant.”

Pembroke State University

“An ideal supplement for introductory public administration courses. Its cases can be used in many public administration courses quite effectively to give life to the courses and to engage students in problem-solving.” 

University of Oklahoma

“These are the most thoughtfully worked out and constructed cases I have seen. People not acquainted with the case method may not realize how much better a case works in the classroom when it has been thoroughly processed by those who have gathered it. Consider Meyer and Brown’s work a major intellectual contribution to the progress of the case method.”

Kansas State University

“I think this book is an excellent collection. The students love it! It allows them to integrate the theoretical material of the classroom with experience applying problem-solving to realistic situations.”

Ohio State University

“I need a casebook for courses related to the management of human service (not-for-profit) agencies. This may well be an excellent supplement.”

California State Polytechnic University–Pomona

Practicing Public Management is an excellent book—very helpful.” 

Elizabeth City State University

“An excellent selection of case studies which highlight many of the crucial problems faced by modern public administrators.”

Indiana University at Bloomington

“A good selection of practical cases that can be adapted to many teaching situations.”

University of Hawaii

“An excellent collection of concise, well written cases—short enough to prevent boredom but detailed enough to allow for correct analysis of management problems.”

Mesa College

“A wonderfully organized set of cases. Each one is short enough to be easily read but yet detailed in such a manner as to lead to critical thinking. A ‘must’ book for teachers who enjoy lively student participation.”

Kansas State University

“This is the finest casebook available for personnel courses. The variety, organization, and utility of the cases are augmented by the extensive suggested readings following each case.”

Indiana University

“The book…does what it says it is going to do. It is a compendium of short, realistic cases that can be used for a variety of teaching purposes in all public management programs. The collection is eclectic and covers a rich variety of management programs. The cases and topics are presented with cross indexing so that the user can dive into the book from many points of view and find a rich assortment of options with which to work. It is, in my view, the most complete compendium of public management cases now on the shelves.”

San Jose State University

“The main strength of the text is the case study approach. This approach forces students to solve problems very like those they will face in the work world. In terms of the realism of the content of the cases, the text is superior. The issues contained in the text cover a broad spectrum of issues confronting the public manager—an advantage when the text is used in a ‘cases’ class or when it is used in an introductory management class.”